Monday 25 March 2013

Well Done! - What's Next??

Well done to 99% of you for getting your music videos in on time, despite the burglary, even if the deadline was moved so far forward!

NEXT - two things over Easter:

1. Evaluation - you all have the guide in your PURPLE booklet. It is linked HERE.
As per the lesson, it must be a. in multiple 'modes' (video/sound/images etc) b. not be 'essays in disguise'  c. Your chosen technology must 'match' (best show off) the content of what you're showing (for example - costumes = images, audience = let's hear/see them being interviewed, data from audiences = let's see graphs etc - MIX THEM UP TOO!)
The deadline is on the new schedule (also HERE) - MONDAY 15th - we don't have lessons then so it MUST be uploaded on your blogs.

You CAN'T add any more RESEARCH & PLANNING stuff AFTER Good Friday (29th) because we won't mark it - your blogs (for research and planning and 'editing'/'Website/Digipack planning/process'), will be marked on what is there by that date.

After that you will be able to upload your evaluation and then your video will be linked from YOUTUBE. That's it. We will mark the evaluations starting Tuesday 8.30am, 16th April 2013.

2. Media in the online age - there is some literature to read and complete

3. Section A work will be issued by Mr Philip

FINAL - (linked above also) this is the timetable and deadlines for the next few weeks

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Yr13 Blog Advice and directions for finalising

Hi All

I've been reading through your blogs as you approach the deadline and have noticed a few things you all need to fix (well, most of you!).

1. LABELS - they MUST be on your blog, on posts and by adding a gadget. This must be visible near the top of your page. Labels can be detailed or represent 'overviews'. If you have lots of detailed labels, please add some 'overview' labels for the purpose of marking and examination. Use the headings on the feedback sheet Mr P and I used last week to feedback to you - 'Music Video Research' 'Music Video Analysis' 'Costume' etc etc. We (and the examiner) need to be able to find your work quickly.

2. WEBSITES, DIGIPACKS and VIDEOS - these MUST be on your blog and must appear as the first items seen. The Video MUST be the first item. Your website MUST have a live link and if possible, embed it too. You should certainly clearly list which pages you designed (if you're in a group) and who you worked with. Their blog MUST be linked to yours. You should add any notes about technical issues - such as 'The Twitter feed is set up to link to Twitter but does not work on purpose' - basically - tell us - tell the examiner - your work processes, issues and show your understanding. You should, for example, mention how your site might be viewed differently on different devices, smartphones, 4:3 screens, laptops.

3. ANCILLARY TASKS - PROCESS - You should show process for your work so there should be some before, during and after pictures for some of your print/web design work. This shows your work contains original images you took and manipulated - which is what you're getting the marks for basically. You can easily screengrab anything on a mac using Cmd+Shift+4 and set the capture area. Letting go of the mouse takes the 'shot' and it saves on the desktop.

If there is ANYTHING you do not know how to do or need help with ASK NOW so we can help you BEFORE the deadline and it's too late!

Tuesday 12 March 2013

What we're looking for grid...

LABELS - must be right and clear
LINKS - to main, group and individuals in your group
Number of posts
MULTIMODALITY - you MUST have videos, audio, images as well as writing - be imaginative

GOOD ORGANISATION and labelling of the blog will get you more marks as your work is more likely to be credited fully if it is easy to find!

A sense of genuine progression
Personal engagement
Research into the music video areas (Music Video, Band identity/branding, digipacks/album art, websites, Industry stuff (directors/labels etc), genre, audience etc)
Theory applied to some examples and how you used your findings - Vernallis/Goodwin
How you will use research and audience in shaping your own work
Good organisation and planning of project (group blog)

Area to be covered
- analysis of music videos
- videos embedded
- proper analysis linked to own production
- analysis of album art/covers?
- examples embedded?
- related to own production?
- discussion of technical aspects (what MUST be included – institutional)
- analysis of websites?
- examples embedded?
- Linked to own production?
- Genre
- Narrative
- Audience
- Vernallis?
- Goodwin?
- Other?
Analysed in examples?
Linked to own work?
- storyboards/planning shots^ GRP
- costumes/props^ GRP
- location organisation^ GRP
- Meeting notes* GRP
- organising shoots* GRP
- Personal responses to above^ INDV
- Personal responses to process* INDV
Extras such as - Directors, Intertextuality, Inspirational videos etc
General impression of level and some comments – incl Multimodality

Monday 11 March 2013

Marking - what we're looking for...

Here's a link the the pre-final mark sheet we use. It shows you how we are grouping ideas and areas together. When we mark we don't look at individual posts but 'areas' you should have covered.

Use this sheet to see what you should do and use the support/advice you have been given to make sure it's all done this week.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make sure your LABELS are working as this is how we and the examiners will search your content to give you marks. If stuff isn't labelled correctly it may not get included in the marking. Better to have too many labels than not enough!

Also make sure you can link between the main blog, your group blog and every individual blog in your group from EVERY blog you have.


Sunday 10 March 2013

Final Deadlines Schedule for Production

Here is the final schedule and deadlines for the Music Video Promotion production unit.


Wk 24 - 11th March 2013

You can see the new schedule and what to do but here is a reminder for you.


A. Mr P and I will be coming around and working with you 1-1 to go over your blogs and identify any gaps or areas that need working on this week. You will get and action plan but bear in mind this is the preliminary marking - you have had plenty of time to get your blogs up to date and we're marking them after THIS FRIDAY for this element (changes for Research and Planning added after Friday won't get credited/marked). The only things left to go on are: The editing process for products (web/digi and film) which you obviously haven't finished yet AND the evaluation. All your research and planning will have already been done. The exam board will NOT give you special consideration for items you have NOT completed.

B. The deadines this week are your WEBSITES and BLOGS - they must be complete by FRIDAY 15th.

C. You will be expected to be in school on academic mentoring day. We have cleared all the media rooms for your use. A letter will be going home. This has been officially organised through the school so people who won't turn up will be disciplined.

Remember next week is your deadline for the Music Video and Digipack.

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Wk 23 - We're BACK!

Yes! We can now blog in school again and most sites should be working - we're updating the macs this afternoon (Tuesday) so classes can run again as normal from now on!

Also, the cameras and video editing software have either already arrived or are being downloaded - the new software is ready to install and should be working in the next day or two (depending on how quickly it installs across the network) - so it's all systems go kiddiwinks!

YeeHar! Just now need to get on with it as quickly as you possibly can. Mr P and I have worked out a new schedule for you and now things are running it will be published and issued to you as soon as and it'll be uploaded here and posted on the noticeboard too.